Project Details.


This system is being developed for Penang Regional Development Authority (PERDA) in 2022.


Introduction Of Our Project

The system initiated for Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Pulau Pinang (PERDA) began in 2022 and is expected to be fully completed by 2023. The Economic Development Division in PERDA will utilize this system to monitor entrepreneurs who have registered or will register with PERDA and track their loan payback activities.

The system is able to record activities and control work processes as specified.

The system includes some modules &functions:

  • Entrepreneur Module

    - This module handles all information regarding registered entrepreneurs.

  • Loan Module

    - This module is created to manage information related to courses offered. Participation in this course is open to any registered entrepreneurs.

  • Course Module

    - This module analyzes information and generates monthly reports for reference.

  • Report Module

    - This module is built by integrating other modules into the mobile environment.

  • Mobile Apps Module

Advantages Of Our System

Assist the Economic Development Division in managing entrepreneur-related information in an organized and systematic manner.

Mobile environment implementation – Enhances information accessibility by diversifying the environment. Users can access information at their fingertips anytime, anywhere.

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