Project Details.


A system developed for Fire and Rescue Academy Malaysia (FRAM) in 2021.


Introduction Of Our Project

The system developed for Fire and Rescue Academy Malaysia (FRAM) in the eastern region was completed and published in 2021. The system was built to assist the organization in managing and conducting courses, whether online or offline, for certification purposes.

The system is able to record activities and control work processes as specified.

The system includes some modules &functions:

  • Training Project Module
  • Content Module
  • Questionnaire Module
  • Evaluation Module
  • Speaker Module
  • Schedule Module
  • Refreshments Module
  • Logistic Module
  • Personal Module
  • Participant Module
  • Accommodation Module
  • Marks Module
  • Report Module
  • OSH Module
  • Certification Module
  • Outdoor Program Module
  • List Module
  • Control Module

Advantages Of Our System

Supporting efficient planning With the developed modules, e-Course can assist the academy in early planning and make the best decision to organize courses effectively.

The system’s management covers all information related to the training courses, including course venue, selection of certified course moderator, participants’ welfare and accommodation, and many more to ensure a smooth course flow.

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